Tuesday 21 October 2014

Garden Photos

This photo, I took very prematurely seemed like one of the best in all of them. I cropped it so that the first leaf was close enough to the side so that it looks bigger and also so it looks like they're decreasing in size. I believe that is a good effect and makes the viewer look from left to right.
This one ere' has the flower in focus and the ground totally blurred out! One flaw is that the flower is in the middle, but it may resolve it's self because there are in focus flowers to the  left of the middle.
The image to the left here just seems to be so nice looking because everything is so in focus and green! These all may be a very personal preferences' but I like the way the shrubs are diagonal and not taking over the picture, but instead end before the bottom side.
I enjoy this image because the yellow REALLY STANDS OUT from the grass and that ugly messy mess in the back. It helps a lot that they're in focus because it gains to the emphasis. One flaw would be that one flower is getting cut off by the bottom side, it doesn't work too well.
Lastly, the  image you see here looks great because there is three layers of focus: The top with the one part at the top left (out of focus), the middle with the most part of the plant (in focus), and the bottom which needs to be out of focus to create the emphasis effect. One thing that doesn't help is the piece of garbage on the right, because it makes this picture look like a joke.

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