Flower & Bird Painting
Flower and Bird painting style was introduced in the Tang Dynasty around the 9th century. They frequently include branches, flowers, birds, fish, insects, cats, and really focus on natural scenes. The brushes used to make these paintings are similar to the brushes used for calligraphy, as they both have a fine tip and a broad back for brushes. Additionally, empty space is often used in these paintings to create balance, and many curved or faded lines are used for plant life. The background of the art is traditionally a steel-brown colour by virtue of the style over-using the colour.
Four Seasons Painting
The four seasons paintings, sometimes called "four gentlemen" are represented by four plants: Plum Blossom for winter, orchid for spring, bamboo for summer and chrysanthemum for autumn. Each plant combined with their season represent another meaning. Many of these artworks instead use one type of plant and have it shown in all four seasons, or sometimes include underlying colours that are widely used in each season.
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